skyleecm, 26 Feb 2010

OnesTodo Edit Todo page

The Edit Todo page allows the user to create a new processed task or sub-task, to edit the task and to delete the task. User can go back to the Todo List page by clicking on any of the links: Pending Todos, or Last search. (see OnesTodo User interface)

Edit Todo form

At the top of the Edit Todo form, there are 3 links (or 2 links):

  • Add new todo
  • Add new subtodo
  • View Todo (or Edit Todo)

If the user is adding a new task (or todo), the Add new subtodo link will not be shown.

Add new todo

Clicking on Add new todo link will clear off the existing form values and allow user to enter and create a new task.

Add new subtodo

This link will only appear if the user is editing an existing todo. Clicking on the Add new subtodo link allows user to create a new sub-task (the sub-task 's project is set to the existing todo). This will reuse the attribute values in the project task for the new sub-task except for the description which is blank out. The new sub-task will also be immediately mark as completed if its' project is already completed.

View Todo (or Edit Todo)

User can click on the View Todo link to view the task being edited. This is useful if the user is using any of the text markup for the task's description. The user can check whether the rendered description is correctly formatted. It is also possible that the user may just want to view the task's details instead of modifying the task. Also, if it is a sub-task, its' project is displayed as a link in the view mode and user can click on it to browse the project task. In view mode, this link is displayed as Edit Todo, clicking on it again will switch the form back to edit mode.

Todo form

Title should reflect what the user is going to do next for the task. Title is required.

Priority is required. Valid values for priority are from 1 to 9 where 9 is considered as the highest priority and 1 is the lowest. (Note: there is no way to create an Unprocessed task here because priority is required here.)

Context values is a list of comma delimited words. They divide your tasks so you can find them easily. (General contexts divide tasks within general areas of your life — such as Work, Personal, Home, or School. You can also grouped actions like errands, calls, shopping, etc. You can use a person name to indicate the task has to be done with him/her.)

Due date is used as the date a task is scheduled to be done. It only accepts the date format in yyyy-mm-dd . User can also click on the date icon to open up the calendar widget to select a date.

Project can be selected here from a list of the user's uncompleted tasks. The task being edited will become a sub-task of the selected project task. When the user uses Add new subtodo, the project is set automatically.

Description allows the user to enter all relevant information and details about the task. Description supports using any of the 3 different text markup formats: html, markdown or textile. The advantage of using either markdown or textile over using html is that they are easier to read, they do not use additional markup tags which will also be indexed. If this task is a project task, the user can enter all the known steps into the description. Since, each created task has a task id (a number), the user can also create a hyperlink to any of his/her existing tasks. This is useful if the user has created a reference item that contains information only (not actually a task), the user can create a link to his/her reference item in the description if the reference information is needed for the completion of this task. For example, if I have a reference task id: 1009, I can create a link to it with [My secret info](/1009) using markdown format.

Tags are similar to Context. Tags values is a list of comma delimited words. They can be used to further categorize your tasks.

Completed date is the task's date of completion. In general, the user does not need to manually enter a date, because the current date will be used by default when the task is marked as completed. In the case when an edited task is not completed yet, the Mark as done link will be displayed instead of the task's completion date. User will have to click the Mark as done link to indicate the task is completed before saving the task.

Time taken allows user to record down an approximate time taken to complete the task. If the task is not completed yet, user will have to click the Mark as done link to indicate the task is completed before being allowed to enter the time taken for the task.

User clicks on the Save button to save the task. If the user has marked the task as completed, all its sub-tasks that are not completed yet will also be marked as completed with the same completion date. If there are any validation error, the task will not be saved and the Todo form will redisplay the task values with the detected errors.

If the form is displaying an existing todo, the user can click on the Delete todo button to delete the task. Note: there is no confirmation prompt for the delete action. If the todo is a project task that has sub-tasks, another button, Delete all todos, will be available. Clicking on the Delete all todos button will delete the task and all its sub-tasks. After a task is being deleted, a "Delete is successful." message will be shown before the browser redirects the user to the user's Last search todos list.

Sub Todos

If the todo is a project task that has sub-tasks, all its sub-tasks will be displayed at the bottom of the page. Each sub-task is displayed with a link of the sub-task's title, and user can click on the link to browse or edit the sub-task. A sub-task of a sub-task is displayed with a slight indentation relative to its parent task.


User can also post comment to a task. Posted comments of a task will be displayed in this page. Comments cannot be searched though as compared to a task's description.


Tags: todo, documentation, faq, user-guide, gtd